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HomeMarketingThe Right Link Building Company: 5 Factors to Look at When Choosing...

The Right Link Building Company: 5 Factors to Look at When Choosing One

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A big part of running a website is achieving the site’s goals, whether it be to produce ad revenue, drive sales, or capture data. One of the best ways to meet a website’s goal is to make good use of SEO (search engine optimization). Although it’s a pretty straightforward process, not every business or brand wants to have to do it. The process takes time, so if you’d rather outsource your website’s link building, some people will do it for you. Here’s how to choose the right link building company that will deliver on getting you the kind of high quality links that are sure to improve your Google traffic.

1. Alignment

When you’re researching link building companies, you want one that aligns with your standards and values. They need to understand what your goals are and be able to create a unique link building strategy for your business. Discuss their strategies and look for them to ask a lot of questions. If they’re not seeking to get a comprehensive view of your company, its goals, its culture, and how it is perceived by the world, it may not be the right agency for you.

2. Connections and Reputation

Thoroughly vet potential SEO agencies. Look into who they’ve worked for, how many clients they’re servicing, their success rates, and testimonials. Check review sites and the Better Business Bureau. If the company has been around a while and doesn’t have a lot to show for it, they’re probably not who you want overseeing your link building. Their bad reputation can certainly cast your company in an unfavorable light.

3. Link Diversity

Link building company

Many SEO companies have a niche that they specialize in. Some are more into directory listings and others lean more towards blog posts. But you want to diversify the sources of your links. Leaning too heavily on one method may leave your business lacking. Google looks favorably on sites that have a diversity of links. Penguin is looking to anchor text diversity and link relevancy. With a diverse link profile, your site appears to be growing in an organic fashion without black hat manipulative tactics.

4. Their Site Links

Take a look at the links on the potential link building agency’s website. A simple backlink check will highlight their business’ link building. You want to find high-quality backlinks that come from reputable and authoritative sites. Great site links are an indicator that they know what they’re doing and have the potential to do the same for your website.

5. Their Turnover Rate

Link building can be challenging, and a lot of people don’t have the patience and persistence for it. Some SEO firms have a hard time keeping employees motivated and engaged in the work, so investigate their turnover rate. Although this is not your problem directly, it becomes your problem when your campaign suffers due to the constant shifting of duties and workloads.

There are a lot of moving parts when it comes to SEO, so you want to choose a company that is going to move you toward your goals. Doing your due diligence will ensure that your company excels in the long run. Remember that link building takes time, so be patient while you grow your website’s SEO roots.

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