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HomeMarketingFocus On Long-Tail Keywords For SEO: Secrets Revealed

Focus On Long-Tail Keywords For SEO: Secrets Revealed

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Long-tail keywords for SEO are one of the simplest ways for your brand to get less competition, increase its traffic, and achieve higher conversion rates. Also, they are better at targeting specific traffic, which means that a greater portion of your audience will consist of qualified leads. With that in mind and without further ado, here are some of the other reasons why long-tail keywords are particularly useful, as well as a tip or two on how you should be using them.

1. They’re unique

The first reason why a focus on long-tail keywords is so important is that they’re unique. Let’s say that you’re selling sports equipment. In that scenario, the phrase “sports equipment” would be the most logical choice of keyword, however, it’s the keyword that the majority of the industry is already using. Instead, you should go for a unique, long-tail keyword. For instance, if you have boxing gear in your inventory, you should add the word boxing to your keyword. To further localize the search, you should also add the city or the neighborhood that you are in. This way, you get the maximum impact. Going local is always effective, so, for instance, if you’re running a Brisbane-based business, you might want to go for a local SEO Brisbane agency.

2. More specific

The next thing you need to keep in mind is that keywords are always giving your audience exactly what they want. How? Well, first of all, they’re incredibly specific. Your audience is not interested in sports equipment in general. What they need is a new football, a new mouthpiece, a new set of trainers, etc. Also, a person living in Brisbane is not likely to go to Sydney or Perth to get a piece of sports equipment, seeing as how they have a plethora of retailers in their area selling the exact product they need. This is just one of the things worth focusing on.

3. All the pros are using it

Long-tail keywords for seo

Even if the above-listed two reasons weren’t compelling enough, the fact that all the industry leaders are using long-tail keywords would be enough for you to start considering them, as well. We’re not just talking about companies with a dominant industry presence but also top digital marketing experts. Even if your online presence in the niche is unparalleled, you should probably use long-tail keywords to secure your position and future-proof your online presence. In other words, there’s no reason for you to avoid long-tail keywords. The pros are there and the cons are completely absent.

4. Optimal tools for long-tail keyword research

Lastly, you need to find the optimal tools for finding long-tail keywords. This way, you can both streamline and automate the process of keyword searching, which should provide you with immense technical assistance in this field. Platforms like Google Autocomplete Keyword Tool, KWFinder, SEMrush, and Long Tail Pro are just some of the options that you can use for this purpose in 2020. Using a specialized tool also provides you with unparalleled precision, which always works in your favor.

In conclusion

In the end, you need to bear in mind that just using long-tail keywords isn’t enough. You need to ensure that these keywords are effective enough. One of the ways for you to achieve this is to learn how to do it properly. This means understanding how your audience uses search engines, understanding how long-tail keywords work, and using all the right tools. This way, you will be able to get the most out of your keyword research and use potential.

Author bio:

Ayla Anderson is an avid reader and enthusiastic blogger who writes articles on home improvement, business, family, and beauty. She is also an MBA student who spends much of her time advising new small businesses on how to grow their businesses. You can follow me onhttps://twitter.com/Ayla55489508

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