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HomeMarketingWill Video Marketing Help My Business?

Will Video Marketing Help My Business?

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There are many ways to market your business. Consider tried-and-true methods such as business cards, community event booths, and rec team sponsorships. They’ve boosted businesses for decades. More recent approaches such as social media marketing, search engine optimization, live streams, infographics, and blogging can do wonders, too. Video marketing has the potential to take your marketing to a new level, but some businesses shy away from it. That was a mistake.

Video Marketing Has Been Amazing for Businesses

Video marketing is more than a trend or fad. It’s been around for a few years and is here to stay. Consumers of all ages enjoy video content, whether it’s educational, funny, serious, dramatic, short, or long.

Video marketing helps build trust, awareness, conversions, and customer retention. Marketing video production companies can produce quality content at affordable prices and give your company an excellent return on investment. There’s no downside to video marketing as long as you take the right approach.

Some businesses are wary of it, though. Some envision video marketing as requiring a complicated host of expensive technology and expertise. Some think it’s expensive and well beyond their budgets.

Fortunately, it’s easier than ever to find affordable, quality video production companies. More businesses than ever are taking advantage of video marketing.

Your Business Can Make Many Types of Videos to Meet Its Goals or Strategies

Common types of videos are live-action, screen-recorded, and animated. Your business can create an explainer, presentation, testimonial, ad, teaser, product demo, video graphics, customer onboarding, customer service, staff training, app demos, and new-hire onboarding videos to fit overall goals or project goals.

The videos can go on your various social media channels and your website, among other places. Real employees in your business could be in them, or actors, or a mix of both.

Video Marketing Is Affordable

Video marketing is affordable

Video marketing can be extremely affordable. Many businesses spend no more than $500 on an average video. The potential return on investment with a $300 video is incredible given the many new customers you could reach, engage, and convert.

That said, it’s possible to spend $2,000 or even $5,000 on videos. Video production companies work closely with you to customize videos and tailor everything to your goals. You get excellent value for your money.

Video Marketing Definitely Can Help Your Business, but You Gotta Do It the Right Way

Video marketing can be a boon for businesses, but doing it for the wrong reasons or without the proper foundations can hurt your efforts. For example, if a business wants to make a video “just because,” that’s not the best-thought-out strategy. It does happen, though. A business sees a competitor’s video or even a video from an unrelated business and thinks, “Wow, that is cool!” We should do that,” and that is the extent of the thought process.

Factors to consider include who the audience for the video is, where it would be posted, how viewers would see it, how timely or evergreen it needs to be, and its purpose. A video made to demo a new product would likely be different from a video made to intrigue customers about the product.

The existing marketing efforts and infrastructure of the business matter, too. For instance, if you don’t yet have a strong social media presence, it’s a mistake to think a sleek video or two will beef up your social media numbers immediately. Video marketing is part of the overall marketing infrastructure.

Examples of How Different Businesses Use Video Marketing

Let’s start with an early adopter: real estate agencies. They discovered early on that 3D tours, virtual home tours, and drone videos could get them more online hits and clients. Related businesses include short-term rental and property management companies.

Here are some ways brand-new businesses, regardless of their exact type, commonly use video marketing.

  • Posting on crowdfunding platforms and social media
  • To explain and demo products or services
  • To talk about their mission and to tell the story behind their company
  • Making emotional appeals

Nonprofit organizations often use video marketing to spotlight the people or animals they help. They also use videos to show how these organizations are able to help and transform their lives. The videos can be for informative purposes, fundraising, or some other goal.

Vet businesses use video marketing to demonstrate the care and attention that vets and technicians give to the animals. The marketing will showcase a spacious, clean, welcoming lobby and the personality of the office bird. They can also use video marketing to make (or repost) cute and funny animal videos.

Authors can use video marketing for book trailers and readings. They can use videos to set a scene or give more information about a setting in the book.

Regardless of what type of business you have, video marketing is bound to help. Know what you hope to achieve and who your target audience is.

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