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HomeEntrepreneurWhy Every Entrepreneur Needs Form Analysis Tools

Why Every Entrepreneur Needs Form Analysis Tools

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Getting information from your customers and having them interact with your website in a way that is conducive to conversions is probably one of the most important parts of having the website in the first place. You want people to be interested in your products and service while also being willing to provide feedback and information. But getting information through forms can be tricky. Potential customers don’t want to fill out long, incredibly complex forms while they’re on your website. In fact, the more complex a form is, the more likely a potential lead is to abandon it. To improve conversion rates based on forms, you need to implement some kind of form analytics structure into your regular analysis. In this article, we’ll tell you why every entrepreneur needs form analysis tools to optimize conversions from forms on their website while breaking down what some of this stuff actually means.

How Forms Create Conversions

Sometimes the most useful data comes from simply asking your customers for their opinions. Forms are pretty valuable for a couple of reasons. First off, easy-to-complete forms make it easier for a customer to provide information. Secondly, if the customer is already filling out a form then they are likely interested in making a purchase. That’s a potential conversion waiting to happen. It means they’re already interested in the product or service and are seeking additional information about it. Maybe they followed a marketing lead or are directly responding to some call to action on your page. Either way, form data is quite valuable as both a marketing and analytical tool. Finally, forms can represent micro conversions that eventually lead to a larger conversion later on.

Where They’re Most Valuable

Figuring out where your forms add the most value is crucial. Determine where the most likely part of your site to place a CTA might be and put a form there. Use them on product pages and as surveys after a purchase. Another good place to implement a form might be when a user leaves a product page without making a purchase. They are used as primary conversion points in some areas such as E-commerce and B2B businesses. But they’re essential for customer feedback opportunities. You can track form conversion rates across the entire form or in individual form fields to optimize your forms. Imagine you have about 200 forms filled out in a given day. Of these forms, maybe 50 of them have been abandoned. When you analyze those 50, you might see that a particular field such as location or financial data or something like that is not filled out at all or might be the reason the form was abandoned. You can tweak your forms from there to eliminate that field entirely, making form analysis a valuable part of optimizing the conversion process.

Prevent Capturing Personally Identifiable Information

One reason some customers might remain on the fence about filling out forms is concern over compromising their personal information. High quality form analysis software is going to mask or obscure an IP address so that there is no personally identifiable information coming to you from the users filling out the form. Additionally, GDPR compliance is integrated into most form analysis and heatmap software, so your users don’t have to worry about the form compromising their info. Furthermore, you should not ask personally identifiable questions on your form as it might prevent people from filling it out. Whether you deal in financial, healthcare, or other industries, privacy and security are crucial to creating conversions with your forms.

Stopping Form Abandonment

Designing your forms to be user-friendly and simple is critical to preventing form abandonment. Users don’t like to do extra work when they want to make a purchase or provide feedback. When a form is too complicated or asks for too much, they get abandoned. A form analysis optimization tool gives you the power to control your forms and stop form abandonment. You can create new forms and see how they perform in real-time. Make adjustments like removing, clarifying, or adding a field to make it easier for the user to fill it out. Watch as your conversion rates increase and abandonment rates decrease. Optimization tools take most of the guesswork out of the process, supplying you won’t a robust set of tools you won’t want to live without.

Analysis and Optimization

Entrepreneur form analysis tools

The true value of forms shines through when analyzing them with other data. Using a combination of other analytical tools such as heat maps and session recording, you can get a comprehensive overview of how well-structured and effective your forms are. All of these tools work in conjunction with one another to isolate user interface issues, find potential failure points along a conversion funnel, understand what’s working with forms and what isn’t, and gain an overall broad insight into the performance of your website. Using these tools wisely can ultimately create higher conversion rates and optimize your CRO across the entire organization.

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