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HomeTipsThe Highs And Lows Of Wearing Prescription Glasses

The Highs And Lows Of Wearing Prescription Glasses

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Eyeglasses. For people born with impaired eyesight, they light up their world. For normal people with 20/20 vision, they don’t see the hype. Whether it’s because of old age, nearsightedness, farsightedness, or even those with astigmatism, vision problems will force you to get spectacles. It’s the cheaper option, after all, considering how expensive LASIK surgery is. But for every brave person, there are small victories and big struggles they face every single day.


If you’ve never worn prescription glasses, here’s a 20/20 explanation of what it’s like to wear glasses.

Glasses and sweat don’t meld well together.

From participating in PE class to simply queuing at the bus stop, sweating is a nightmare scenario for your bespectacled friends. Sweat means they’re heating up, which means there’s a chance they’ll fog up the lenses. It also means that their nose becomes lubricated enough for their glasses to slide down the bridge of their nose. Constant readjustment may look cool and sophisticated in cartoons and anime but in real life? It’s downright irritating.

The weather will mess you up.

If eyeglasses had windshield wipers built into them, everything would’ve been easier. But alas, if you were glasses, you’d be subjected to torture during the rain. Any sudden shift in temperature, such as going from a cool place to someplace warmer, will fog up your glasses.

People will think you’re smart.

Wearing glasses will be so deceitful when meeting new people. Studies show that people will think you’re smart AND trustworthy when you wear one. So many ways to mislead people.

With the right frame, you’ll look dapper.

With the right frame, you'll look dapper

It’s not the prescription part that makes getting a new pair of glasses difficult. Sometimes, it’s the choice of the frame. If you want to just get it over with, then pick a simple frame. But if you want to look fashionable, you have to browse through the designer frames your eye doctor has. You also need to consider the shape of your face when picking the right frame. That Wayfarer might look good, but it may not look good on you until you try.

Glass cleaning cloths are your best friend.

Glass cleaning cloths are your best friend

If you wear specs, then microfiber eyeglass cleaners will change your life. While typically they’re bundled in with your eyeglass purchase, it never hurts to buy a pack or two just in case. These clothes will give you clarity and lessen your irritability over that one tiny dot hovering over your lens. Never leave your home without one. Give your eyeglasses some respect and don’t use your shirt to wipe it.

Getting used to a new pair can be dizzying.

Sometimes the eyes can deteriorate regardless of whether you’ve worn glasses for pretty much all the time. All that reading small texts or watching TV in the dark has paid off. But when you wear your specs, there are times that you might fall dizzy. However, this is just because the eyes are adjusting to the new set of lenses. If nausea persists, however, then you might’ve been given the wrong prescription. Accuracy is vital in optometry; wrong values lead to wrong lenses, which might damage your vision even more.

Wearing glasses is both a blessing and a curse. Fashionable and functional, they’re perfect facial accessories that will never go wrong with any season, for any reason. Astigmatism has never looked so good.

Sameer is a writer, entrepreneur and investor. He is passionate about inspiring entrepreneurs and women in business, telling great startup stories, providing readers with actionable insights on startup fundraising, startup marketing and startup non-obviousnesses and generally ranting on things that he thinks should be ranting about all while hoping to impress upon them to bet on themselves (as entrepreneurs) and bet on others (as investors or potential board members or executives or managers) who are really betting on themselves but need the motivation of someone else’s endorsement to get there.

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