Web technologies grow at rapid levels these days which satisfy the needs of businesses with high accuracy. On the other hand, beginners should know more about them in detail which will help them accomplish goals considerably. Furthermore, they should consider joining a web development course that caters to their needs. It is advisable to evaluate the web development courses online because they help gain more ideas. Finding the right course enables beginners to learn many things with ease. Not only that, it provides ways to improve the skills effectively to gain more advantages.
Free web development courses for beginners
1. Web development foundation course
The web development foundation course allows beginners to learn HTML and CSS. It provides ways to know the concepts in detail that will help design a website with fonts. Furthermore, the course makes feasible ways to master the tags with examples and illustrations.
2. JavaScript fundamentals
The JavaScript programming language is necessary for beginners to become skilled web developers. Another thing is that it gives methods to design dynamic web pages with high efficiency. The course will cover valuables, operators, functions, and other things that help gain more knowledge.
3. Programming with Python
Python programming not only helps build websites but is also useful for AI and data analytics. Beginners can choose a Python foundation course that covers the concepts of looping statements and decision-making. It covers an introduction to Python which highlights dictionaries, tuples, object-oriented programming, and problem-solving,
4. HTML 5 and CSS3
HTML5 and CSS3 are the latest coding programs used in the web development process. to get the desired outcomes. HTML5 does everything without using any additional software such as browser plugins. CSS3 is another coding language needed for a beginner while designing a website. Some of the key modules of CSS3 include the box model, selectors, animations, user interface (UI), etc.
5. Foundations of Front-end development
This course is suitable for beginners who want to become front-end developers with high skills. It gives ways to learn all essential technologies related to front-end development applications. The course is ideal for learning the art of unit testing, Ajax, Angular, React, etc.
6. Node.js & Express.js
Anyone who wants to become a full-stack developer can join this course after learning JavaScript basics. Node.js is not a programming language or a framework. Indeed, it is a platform that helps to build backend services like APIs and web apps. On the other hand, Express.js allows developers to create apps with Node.js approaches with routing.
7. Responsive web design
A responsive web design course is the right one for beginners who want to learn various things. It involves creating a web page that works on all digital platforms including mobile devices with high accuracy. However, the course requires some prior knowledge of HTML and CSS. Several e-learning platforms today offer responsive web design courses for beginners to improve their knowledge. Furthermore, they are free which will help meet the exact needs of the learning process.
8. React. js front-end web development
React.js frontend web development course allows beginners to modern JavaScript and react hooks. It is a framework that a web developer should know while designing a webpage. The course covers the fundamentals and other things that will help improve the skills. Executive programs are available for those who want to learn web development that fits their career goals.
9. Introduction to Node.js & Express. js
This course is mainly designed for excelling in the stack web development process. Express.js is a framework that allows beginners to use various features. Some of them include dynamic requests, static assets, deployment, handling post data, project structure, etc.