Thank you for your interest in submitting the Tycoonstory news feed. We are interested in quality content that is relevant to our readers. We will publish only news that is of interest to entrepreneurs, startups, Technology, Market, and Related to Business.
All submissions will be manually reviewed and will do our best to review them within 48 hours. We reserve the right to choose which news releases to publish. Also, due to time commitments, we cannot commit to notifying you whether your release has been accepted or not. Please check back at the Tycoonstory Website on the Search/Recent Release section of the site after 48 hours.
Submit your press release below, and be sure to read our press release guidelines below to help you get the most out of your submission.
The article below is a reprint of an excellent article that outlines how to write a press release so that The Tycoonstory (and other media outlets) will be more inclined to publish it. Please read it carefully before submitting a press release.
Remember, The Tycoonstory does not make any guarantees that your story will be published. These guidelines are put in place to help us select the best stories that are most pertinent to our readers.
As editor of a business journal, I’m in a unique position to observe the juxtaposition of two truths. Nearly every business has a compelling story to tell. Very few businesses tell their stories well. And it all begins with the news release.
Since I’m in the business of writing about business, I have a self-serving interest in promoting the quality and quantity of news releases I receive. Moreover, it helps fulfill my goal of providing Tycoonstory readers with news, views, and advice they can use. But there’s a lot more involved than making my job easier.
Even in an age of Web sites, blogs, and tweets, old-fashioned media coverage still affords businesses an important opportunity to connect with potential customers as well as establish name recognition and credibility. In addition, media coverage is only as costly as the time and expense involved in writing and sending out a good news release and then cooperating with the media doing the story.
Perhaps the best first step in the process is to gain a better understanding of the basic operations of news media. Business journals, magazines, newspapers, radio stations, and television stations inform and entertain readers, listeners, and viewers.
But they’re also businesses that sell advertising as a means to reach those readers, listeners, and viewers. It’s a symbiotic relationship. Content attracts the audience advertisers want to reach. Advertising pays for providing the content.
It’s important to remember the distinction between news and advertising in writing a news release. Editors and news directors look for information that interests readers, listeners, and viewers.
A pitch to buy a product or service is better suited for an advertisement. I relish the opportunity to publish information about new businesses, new hires, and new products because readers consistently tell me they’re interested in those things. A release about an upcoming sale or discount? Not so much. Those who aren’t sure if a press release is newsworthy should ask themselves this question: Who cares? If they weren’t involved in the business themselves, would they care enough to read, listen to, or watch the story?
It’s also helpful in writing a news release for a particular media outlet to become familiar with that outlet. If you want to publish something in the Tycoonstory, it’s a good idea to read the Tycoonstory. It’s far easier to tailor a press release to a media outlet if you’re familiar with the kinds of news that outlet prints or broadcasts. Moreover, it saves considerable time and effort in writing and sending news releases to outlets when there’s no chance those outlets will ever use that information.
There are still other news releases that I would love to run, but can’t because they were submitted too late. That’s why it’s important to know the publication or broadcast schedule of a media outlet, particularly print outlets that don’t come out every day. It does little good to submit a news release about an event that occurs the next day to a journal that doesn’t publish another issue for a week. Timing is an even bigger deal for magazines, which often prepare content months in advance of publication.
In writing a press release, keep in mind the two objectives involved. The first objective, of course, is to communicate through the media the basic facts at hand: a new location, promotion, or change in ownership, for example. The second objective is to sufficiently arouse the interest of editors and news directors to make them want to pursue a story in a more in-depth fashion. Many of the best stories published in the Tycoonstory originated as short news releases. I didn’t want to just run the press release. Rather, I felt compelled to interview those involved, shoot photographs, and publish a more thorough account.
To that end, press releases must include contact information — preferably both a telephone number and e-mail address. When an editor, news director, or reporter calls, respond promptly and accommodate their requests promptly.
News people are busy, too, and quickly move on to other stories if they encounter too much difficulty. I’ve lost count of the stories I haven’t published because a business owner or manager wouldn’t return a phone call. It kind of defeats the purpose, doesn’t it?
Marketing firms and advertising agencies offer assistance in writing press releases and handling media relations. They make the process easier. But for small firms that can’t yet hire such professionals, there’s still hope. Try not to get caught up too much in the wording or format of a news release.
Focus instead on conveying important facts. The old journalistic convention of the five W’s still works. Describe the who, what, when, where, and why. There’s nothing wrong with submitting a news release containing only those five statements.
The TycoonStory website located at includes a form for submitting a press release that follows that basic format. If there’s something new or unique involved, though, make sure to include that information as well. That’s the very essence of news and is likely to pique the interest of an editor or news director.
We can’t speak for other media outlets, of course. As for The Tycoonstory, We are anxious to share your news. Send me your news releases to the Below Given Email IDs…
Thank you
Mr. Louris ( U.S.A)
Assistant Editor & Advertise
Mr. Hamza Saad ( Asian Region )
Assistant Editor & Digital Designer
Ms. sophia (U.S.A Region)
Assistant Editor & Digital Designer
Ms. Amina ( African Region)
Assistant Editor
Mr. Harrison ( UK Region )
Assistant Editor & Publisher
Ms. Anna ( Russian Region )
Assistant Editor
Ms. Ava( Australian Region)
Assistant Editor & Publisher
Mr. Sebastian( European Region)