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HomeMarketing7 Reasons To Add Video To Your Construction Marketing Mix

7 Reasons To Add Video To Your Construction Marketing Mix

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Incorporating video to your construction marketing strategy can significantly enhance engagement and visibility in today’s competitive landscape. Videos are a great marketing tool for various businesses. Harnessing its power is an efficient way to attract potential clients and gain sales. Especially in this digital age, utilizing video marketing is a wise move to advertise your construction company to a vast digital audience.

That said, the construction industry benefits from video marketing. Since construction is all about quality work and fast progress, capturing the details and showing them to the world can give your company an edge.

Here are six reasons to add videos to your construction marketing mix.

1. Boost Engagement and Reach

Effective online marketing involves using visually appealing images to reach more potential clients. If it’s efficient enough, engagements can lead to profit quickly.

Uploading construction time lapse videos across your company’s website and social media accounts effectively boosts engagement and reach. You can get more audiences talking about your projects and asking for more details.

In the modern world, an excellent social media presence is a must for all businesses, including the construction industry. People love something entertaining and exciting to watch every day. Slowly, you can make a mark on their minds, and once they need a company to hire for a project, they’ll know who to call.

2. Monitors Project Progress

Monitoring each project’s progress is required for current clients and stakeholders. However, sharing it with the rest of the world can also help strengthen your company name.

Project monitoring is necessary for updating clients. It also helps engineers and architects keep track of the construction process off-site. It allows close analysis and early detection of possible problems.

On the marketing side, project monitoring is a helpful tool to show how quickly you can finish a project. Everyone wants a faster build, so posting each progress helps potential clients compare your timeline with other competing firms.

3. Showcases High-Quality Work

High-definition time-lapse videos are an efficient construction marketing tool. Showing your attention to even the tiniest details of a project is one way to please the most meticulous clients and even the other builders and architects.

There’s nothing more reliable than showing the public the quality of your company’s work. You can showcase your project’s stunning architecture and interior design through a video. You may also give the public a glimpse of how you ensure the structure’s integrity through a construction walk-through.

In a marketing video, you can also showcase how much planning goes into each project. In addition, you may also include the products you use, which the manufacturers may sponsor.

4. Improves Website’s Search Engine Ranking

Videos can catch and retain audience attention better than blogs and articles. Watch hours significantly improve the website’s ranking in various search engines.

A construction firm’s website’s search engine ranking is one way to reach more potential clients. Aside from posting engaging blogs, creative and entertaining videos are a great marketing tool to achieve this goal.

A marketing team with SEO expertise would greatly benefit businesses in various industries. You’ll also need an eye-catching thumbnail and a relevant title that sparks curiosity.

5. Increase Potential Client Conversion

Your prospective clients are looking for the best construction firm to entrust their projects to. All you need is a tool that influences their decision-making.

Videos are an efficient tool that affects the human subconscious mind. Their interest may increase when they see your company’s videos frequently. Then, when the need arises, your construction firm must be at the top of the list.

Moreover, warm leads are already choosing the best construction firm for their residential or commercial building. Several videos showing your past and current projects give you an advantage over your competitors.

6. Builds Clients’ Trust

As you put yourself in your client’s shoes, you’ll find out how hard it is to trust a company with no proof of projects to show. Presenting videos of your projects helps ease their worries.

Building client trust is challenging, especially for construction firms still new to the industry. If you’re looking for your very first project, there are no past builds to show. In this case, sample plans and 3D rendering videos would suffice.

In contrast, companies that have already been in the industry for years have more to show. The only step missing is creating eye-catching, entertaining, and, most importantly, informative videos.

7. Provides Accurate Before And After Shots  

Video to your construction marketing

Before and after shots provide proof of progress for any construction project. Whether your focus is building from scratch or home improvement, video marketing is a strategy you shouldn’t take for granted.

Providing accurate before and after shots is one way to wow your clients. They’ll see how much you can improve a space within a specific timeline. Over time, your business will advertise itself. Your past clients will start recommending your firm to their acquaintances who need construction services.


Adding video to your construction marketing mix is a step you shouldn’t miss. It’s a powerful tool that can create engagement and convert it into future projects and higher profit.

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Sameer is a writer, entrepreneur and investor. He is passionate about inspiring entrepreneurs and women in business, telling great startup stories, providing readers with actionable insights on startup fundraising, startup marketing and startup non-obviousnesses and generally ranting on things that he thinks should be ranting about all while hoping to impress upon them to bet on themselves (as entrepreneurs) and bet on others (as investors or potential board members or executives or managers) who are really betting on themselves but need the motivation of someone else’s endorsement to get there.
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