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Is Your Organization Qualified For An ARPA Grant?

Nationwide, people have struggled over the past few years due to the pandemic, rough economy, and other issues. For those looking into potential sources of emergency funding, an ARPA grant might provide the lifeline your organization needs.

Run through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), these grants aim to help communities bounce back from COVID-19‘s effects. Let’s break down how ARPA funding works and whether your nonprofit has a shot at qualifying.

What are ARPA Grants?

Signed into law back in March 2021, the American Rescue Plan Act gave $350 billion to states, local governments, and tribes through the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds program.

ARPA grants support organizations working on pandemic response efforts, like vaccine distribution or food assistance, and broader community services. Nonprofits serving groups hit hardest have gotten priority so far.

Examples of Qualifying Programs

To give you a better idea of the types of programs that may qualify for ARPA funding, here are some examples:

1. Food banks and meal programs that assist families suffering from job losses or illnesses.

2. Health clinics that offer testing, vaccines, and other medical services to high-risk groups.

3. Job training/placement organizations that help unemployed individuals find new livelihoods.

4. Organizations addressing homelessness through temporary housing or rental/mortgage assistance.

5. Childcare services that enabled essential workers to remain employed.

Are You Eligible?

Your nonprofit must provide services within a qualifying population area to be eligible for ARPA grant funding. Generally, this means your work benefits communities and demographics hit hardest by COVID-related job losses, illnesses, caregiving challenges, or food insecurity.

Your programs also need ties to pandemic recovery, whether through health, employment, food, or housing activities. Additionally, ARPA grants require 501(c)(3) status and adherence to federal charity regulations.

Check Your Communities’ Priorities

Because ARPA funding streams through various local governing bodies, your eligibility depends partly on how those entities define community needs. Contact city and county officials administering funds near you to learn their priority outcome areas and target groups.

Clear explanations of how your efforts serve those locally identified goals will strengthen your application. Collaborating with community partners who can verify the impact of your work also supports local goals.

Telling Your Impact Story

With the high level of need from nonprofits vying for ARPA dollars, telling a compelling story matters. Demonstrate how much funding your programs typically receive, the number of clients served, and specific positive outcomes achieved in areas like health, jobs, or food security.

Showing lagging program support due to COVID-19 and rising demand could help your request stand out. Some entities even desire proposals with detailed plans for using any awarded monies.

Are You Eligible For ARPA Grants? The Bottom Line

Don’t hesitate to inquire if ARPA grants may fit your nonprofit’s rescue and recovery efforts. A government funding consultant can analyze your program to see how it aligns with ARPA priorities and then guide you through the application process. With the challenges of the past two years still lingering for many organizations and individuals, securing ARPA support can prove timely indeed.

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