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HomeStarting a businessHow To Start An Online Store On Shopify

How To Start An Online Store On Shopify

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Shopify makes it easy for businesses to sell products over the Internet. We will show you how to set up your store in just 30 minutes or less.

If you want to sell online, check out Shopify to learn how on a simple platform with flexible options for resolving sales issues. We offer Shopify maintenance services so you will not have any problems.

When looking for a way to sell products online, Shopify is one of the best options. Setting up your account is easy; it takes just 5 simple steps to get started.

Creating a Shopify account

The first step is to create an account. New customers are given 14 days for shopify free trial. If you have decided to create an online store, go to the official Shopify website and click Get Started. There, you need to enter your email and come up with a password and a name for the future store. Then you need to answer questions regarding the business and provide personal information.

When you finish entering data, you will be redirected to the admin panel. Now you need to start setting up your site.

Choose a theme and settings

Think about the look you want for your store. Shopify offers hundreds of both free and premium design options. If you want to save money or have a small budget, a free theme is fine. With its help, you can adjust the colour, font, slides, and logo. Paid options have additional features to help you create a professional store. This is because CSS and HTML coding can be accessed here. If you are not versed in coding and need help with the settings, you can use the help of Shopify application development specialists.

Let’s start adding products

The next step is to add products to the store. For this, the Products tab is provided. Then go to Add Product to get started.

One of the most important aspects of the work of a future online store is the formation of a list of products, since the decision of potential customers to buy from you depends on this. We recommend browsing popular Shopify stores to see how they display product items.

Important aspects of the product listing:

1. the name must be clearly indicated, it must be short with key queries, and it must be indicated in the search engine by the client when searching;

2. the description should be made in such a way that the advantages and features are indicated, explain to whom the product and important information for the buyer are suitable, before placing an order, it should be easy to read, quickly scanned, make paragraphs short and include markers;

3. product photos are the first thing a potential buyer pays attention to, use them in high resolution, after uploading, they can be resized and edited;

4. cost, different variables affect the price, you can always update the information later, if you don’t immediately understand how much you need to set, it will also not be superfluous to look at other stores.

Start an online store on shopify sell products online

Payment system setup

Activate the payment system to accept payment. Shopify has a lot of options when it comes to accepting payments. To do this, use a dedicated payment processor or third-party system.

When choosing payment issues, pay attention to the following features: Consider any fees the company charges. Many payment gateways charge a commission on every transaction, so it is best to go with the one that offers the lowest interest rates.

You will also need a payment processor that allows you to pay for purchases in different ways. You will probably want to accept credit and debit cards, mobile wallet, and PayPal.

Domain name selection

Now let’s start choosing a domain name and launching the project. If you do not pay to buy a domain, it is installed by default and will include myshopify.com.

You can select it on the main control panel by clicking Add domain. You can connect your store to an existing domain, buy a new one, or transfer to the one you own. After the process is complete, tell people that you are running.

Sameer is a writer, entrepreneur and investor. He is passionate about inspiring entrepreneurs and women in business, telling great startup stories, providing readers with actionable insights on startup fundraising, startup marketing and startup non-obviousnesses and generally ranting on things that he thinks should be ranting about all while hoping to impress upon them to bet on themselves (as entrepreneurs) and bet on others (as investors or potential board members or executives or managers) who are really betting on themselves but need the motivation of someone else’s endorsement to get there.

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