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HomeSocial MediaHow To Export Instagram Comments Free

How To Export Instagram Comments Free

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Instagram is not the only social media platform that can promote your business. However, you can also access data from Instagram to make advanced business decisions. For example, you can use the Instagram comment section to determine audience behavior. Here’s how to export Instagram comments for free.

You should not go with a manual approach as it is supposed to take a long time. Plus, you won’t have that efficiency you’ve always looked for. Now, the best solution is to use the Instagram comment scraper tool. Marketers widely use the tools.

With the help of the advanced scraper tools, it is possible to export a good number of comments simultaneously. Now, let’s find out how you will do that.

What Is Instagram Commenting Scraping?

Instagram comment scraping is the technique of accessing a wide range of comments from Instagram. This is usually done with the help of advanced tools. The scraping tool allows users to access publicly available comments on different posts. Thanks to the advanced API that makes the tools efficient for automatically collecting and extracting comments from Instagram posts.

The most prominent factor in Instagram comment scraping is that it allows access to data based on your preferred format. Then, you can process the data to meet your individual or business purpose. In other words, the updated and effective process of exporting Instagram comments is to use Instagram comment scraping tools.

How Do Instagram Comment Scrapers Work?

Although Instagram comment scrappers’ working mechanisms vary, their main function remains the same: They are designed to export comments shared in the comments sections under posts. The scrapper tool obtains permission to access Instagram’s API, usually through OAuth.

Beyond that, the scraper directly accesses Instagram’s web pages using HTTP requests. Browser automation also occurs when you request to export comments from Instagram via the tools. However, the quality of the extracted data depends on factors like the accuracy of the scraping techniques and the completeness of the data on Instagram.

What Is the Importance of Instagram Comment Scraping for Your Business?

A business needs to be updated with the latest marketing trends. In that sense, there is no alternative to understanding your audience’s behavior. Moreover, there are a good number of reasons why you want to perform the task of scraping Instagram comments.

Competitive Analysis

You need to determine their online marketing strategy to stay ahead of the competition. Understanding how people interact with your competitor’s posts will give you an idea about the expectations and choices. You can also compare your engagement metrics, such as likes and comments, with competitors.

Market Research

Every business should spend enough time on marketer research to understand its audience precisely. Instagram comment scrapping can help identify relevant topics and keywords to incorporate into your content strategy.

Besides, learning your customers’ preferences can help bring the best possible content to them.

Influencer Marketing

Do you want to use influencer marketing? To perform this task, you should monitor the comment section of the potential influencer you need to reach. Moreover, Instagram comment scraping can help you discover influencers in your niche by analyzing comments on relevant posts.

To be more precise, understanding the audience’s preferences through comment scraping allows you to collaborate with influencers on content that resonates more deeply.

Free Tools for Exporting Instagram Comments

Free tools to export instagram comments

Thankfully, there are many tools available that can help you export Instagram comments without spending a penny. As I mentioned, the tools are called Instagram comment scrapers. However, you can also use the browser extension to perform the task.

Dedicated Instagram Scrapers Tool

This is the best possible option to drive comments from Instagram. You don’t need to know coding or be an expert in using API-based tools. You just need to copy the URLs of the Instagram post and paste them into the specialized section of the tools. Then, you can download the data in your desired format.

Now, let’s have a look at some of the most popular and effective Instagram comment scrappers;

• Bright Data.

• SmartProxy.

• ScraperAPI.

• PhotomBuster.

• Apify and more.

The biggest advance of the tools is that they are easy to use and can retrieve results in multiple formats. The tools come with free plans, but you can also upgrade to premium plans for maximum efficiency.
Web Browser Extensions

If you are looking for the easiest way to explore Instagram comments, using a data-scraping web browser can also help. For example, the Instagram scraping tools mentioned above also comes with a dedicated web browser. You can install any of them in your browser and get started with web scraping.

How Do You Export Instagram Comments Using the Scraper Tools?

Here, I will guide you through exporting Instagram comments using an Instagram comment scraper. All you need to do is basic browsing skills. Now, let’s follow the steps below:

Step 1: Select an Instagram scraper tool.

Step 2: Create an account on your chosen Instagram comment scraper.

Step 3: Go to the Instagram comment scraping section of the tool. (Based on the tool, the interface can vary)

Step 4: Copy and paste the URLs of the Instagram post.

Step 5: To begin the process, click ‘Run,’ ‘Generate,’ ‘Start,’ or something similar.

Step 6: Once the scraping is complete, you can download the extracted comments in various formats, such as CSV, JSON, or Excel.

Now, if you want a dedicated and reliable platform to perform the task of Instagram comment scraping, Jayden Sprent is a good place to start. Also, you can use different types of proxies to access a wide range of data.


You should make the most of the Instagram scraping tools available to extract the most relevant Instagram comments. This will save you time and bring you the efficiency you need to perform marketing-related tasks. Make sure you choose the tools we mentioned to have faster and better results.

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