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HomeMarketingHow To Choose A Marketing Agency For Your B2b SaaS Business

How To Choose A Marketing Agency For Your B2b SaaS Business

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You may perhaps be looking for some valuable tips on choosing a B2B SaaS business for your B2B SaaS business. You just cannot select any B2B SaaS business that you come across first. Rather, you need to find an agency that guarantees to deliver essential marketing services on time. Selecting the best one will allow you greater peace of mind and satisfaction. Here are some tips for choosing a SaaS marketing firm.

Specialty vs. Full service:

There are numerous agencies in the market providing a variety of services. You need to understand your specific needs before starting the research. You can contact some freelance professionals or agencies if you are seeking digital marketing experts to enhance your search rankings. If you want the services of more than one marketing professional, then it will be wise to choose a full-service marketing firm. They should offer diverse services like digital marketing, inbound & outbound sales, organic SEO to ABM, etc. ABM (Account-based Marketing) is perhaps the best approach to take for many companies.

Objectives and goals:

You need to determine your firm’s B2B sales cycles and long- and short-term goals. Find out where you want your business to be within the span of 1, 10, and 50 years. You may set up a 5-year plan to generate an ARR of 50MM. This is likely to require more investment when compared to increasing the renewal rate to 85% from 80%. You will require full-service SaaS agencies with outbound sales abilities to help generate more SQLs. You can derive quicker results. But if your B2B SaaS business is to enhance your digital presence along with organic site traffic, then it will take a longer timeline.

Current marketing state:

Evaluate the skill sets possessed by your employees. You may require people in key positions like marketing, CMO, Marketing Associate, or any senior marketing profile. Being a small company, you may be limited by your budget and not have such profiles. In such a case, you can hire the best-growing marketing agency like orogamis.com that will take care of your marketing efforts. They can help develop long-term goals and marketing strategies.

Current marketing state b2b saas business


This is crucial when considering B2B sales cycles. Understanding what is required by your business will help define your objectives clearly. This should be taken as a roadmap to determine the optimum amount to meet related expenses. You need to consider aspects associated with your growth, stakeholders, and short-term and long-term objectives. Get to know the charges from the agency. Also, include all secondary expenses involved with purchasing ad space and marketing channels. Although upfront expenses may be huge, the results will be manifold.


A B2B SaaS marketing agency should have sufficient experience to scale up B2B SaaS. However, a company that specializes in retail and consumer goods might not fit perfectly. Almost everything, ranging from digital marketing to channel strategies to segmentation techniques, depends on your product and customer type. A B2C agency will not do any good for your business. Check out their profile, client service, and experience. Professionals should come up with a viable SaaS marketing plan to suit your business needs. Go through their reviews and testimonials and find out about their overall trustworthiness.

Technology compatibility:

Whatever you choose to invest in should be sustainable. Avoid overpaying for something not desired. The technology used by the B2B SaaS business should not clash with your existing IT infrastructure. The same problem can be taken care of by taking different approaches. It may range from Hubspot to Oracle to Salesforce and SAP. Moreover, take into consideration specific industry requirements or regulations and evaluate the agency’s flexibility.

Following the above tips to choose a SaaS marketing firm will ensure success in achieving your set objectives and goals.

Sameer is a writer, entrepreneur and investor. He is passionate about inspiring entrepreneurs and women in business, telling great startup stories, providing readers with actionable insights on startup fundraising, startup marketing and startup non-obviousnesses and generally ranting on things that he thinks should be ranting about all while hoping to impress upon them to bet on themselves (as entrepreneurs) and bet on others (as investors or potential board members or executives or managers) who are really betting on themselves but need the motivation of someone else’s endorsement to get there.

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