
Scientists Unveils Plan For The Launch Of A New Space Nation Dubbed Asgardia

Dubbed Asgardia after a mythical city in the sky ruled by Odin in Norse mythology, the country will consist of…

8 years ago

Four Asteroids Are Flying Uncomfortably Close To Earth Today : NASA

Four asteroids came uncomfortably close to Earth Tuesday, according to NASA Asteroid and Comet Watch. Three of the asteroids won’t get…

8 years ago

World Population 2016

The population of the world is currently growing at a rate of around 1.13% per year. The current average world…

8 years ago

Researchers Build First Tetherless Hopping Robot

The researchers believe theirs is the first one-legged hopper that does not require a connection to an external motor or…

8 years ago

Where Are CXOs Placing Their Bets For 2017?

CXOs: According to a recent online poll conducted by Tech Pro Research, improving security and increasing the availability and performance…

8 years ago

Narcotics Bureau Arrests Research Scientist:Drug Crackdown

India: The Narcotics Bureau has busted a Rs 45 crore scam where 231 kilograms of the amphetamine drug were seized…

8 years ago

Pioneers Self-driving Car, Drone Research

Introduction VeHICaL, or Verified Human Interfaces, Control, and Learning for Semi-Autonomous Systems. It is an interdisciplinary project involving UC Berkeley…

8 years ago

Research Breakthrough Could Help Diagnose, Treat Biofilm Infections

Biofilm colonies of microorganisms living inside a protective coating—are everywhere, from the plaque we scrub off our teeth each day…

8 years ago

Nobel Prize Announced For Yoshinori Ohsumi Of Japan In The Field Of Medicine

Stockholm: Japanese scientist Yoshinori Ohsumi was awarded this year's Nobel Prize in Medicine on Monday for discoveries related to the…

8 years ago