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HomeTechnologyBlockchain-based Decentralized Messengers: A Privacy Pipedream?

Blockchain-based Decentralized Messengers: A Privacy Pipedream?

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The issue focused on different social media platforms violating people’s privacy has caused folks around the globe to be extra conscious of their rights. There have been cases of data breaching without the virtual world of users. This has caused many to feel unsafe with the personal information they share and their security. There are cases where personal information of users was sold to companies and this has led to distrust by public users in blockchain-based decentralized messengers.

For instance, Cambridge Analytica, a political consulting agency took advantage of the private information of 50 million Facebook users. The American Presidential election in 2016 was reported to be greatly influenced by it. According to Pew Trust, a study was conducted and it was found that about 80 percent of users are seriously concerned about how advertisers and business use their posts on social media.

The numerous complaints have activated strict rules and regulations. In addition, companies involved are placed under great investigation. However, many users have been rethinking their relationship with these platforms as they feel they don’t have control over their data. Hence, a tangible decentralized option is needed with rapid development.

Facebook fined for mishandled data

After a thorough investigation of the violation of consumers’ right to privacy, CEO Mark Zuckerberg was fined $5 billion by the Federal Commission Fee. The fine was termed record-breaking, as no company has ever been fined that much. He apologized and admitted that the data were mishandled. 12 months later, a sum of $550 million was paid to a private lawsuit for who advised them on illegally gathering buyers’ knowledge (private particulars and biometrics inclusive) without their consent.

These violations have helped bring out the need for social media companies that are very transparent. An example is a decentralized messenger that provides detailed information about knowledge safety.

The incitement for blockchain-based messenger and its drawbacks

According to a report by coCointelegraphthe CEO of MultiNFT, Guy Goldenberg said that there are two factors responsible for the urgent need for decentralized messenger. First, there is a lack of trust in centralized apps when it comes to data privacy and protection. The second reason is that users are now in search of an application that is censorship-resistant. Simply put, there have been concerns about users showing a need for freedom of speech and ownership of data.

Blockchain-based decentralized messengers

A social media and blockchain analyst, Scott Cunningham told Cointelegraph that the solution provided by the decentralized messaging app is that it provides end-to-end encryption. It also guarantees a high level of privacy and anonymity for users.

However, despite the advantages, decentralized messaging apps have over another centralized apps, the adoption of blockchain technology could be a barrier. It’s said adoption could also be another barrier as people are already used to the giants of centralized apps such as WeChat, WhatsApp, and Telegram.

It was reported by Cointelegraphaph that the founder of blockchain network protocol, Ingo Rube, said that it would be expensive to put messages on the blockchain. Founder of Creaton, Alexander klus, considers blockchain messenger as a very difficult problem to solve. He stated that some existing platforms like Etherscan’s messaging services have some level of centralization to perform better

XX Messenger

A brand new app has been developed by a cryptographer called David Chaum. The app is said to be quantum-resistant which means data can be secured from even systems that are designed for code-cracking. This protects both the sender and receiver’s location and prevents interceptions from hackers. One of the advantages of the app is that quantum computers cannot be used to decode encrypted messages like other messenger apps.

According to a report by Cointelegraphraph, Chaum reported that the app operates on a “decentralized mixnet protocol”. This means that powerful computers cannot decode messages. He claimed to boost the number of nodes from 350 to 550 as the app can now be found on both Android and Apple app stores. Rewards come in the form of XX coins for node operators that process nodes on the proof of stake (POW) XX network.

Chaum credited the impact of another messaging app Telegram and Signal, in the field of communication. The limitations attached apps these apps’ privacy were highlighted. He claimed that the XX network team is committed to strengthening unchallengeable privacy rights with the start of Web 3.

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