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HomeTipsHiring International Employees: Common Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

Hiring International Employees: Common Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

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In 2020, there were 27 million foreign employees working in the US. They constituted 17% of the total workforce in the country.

Hiring international employees comes with a slew of benefits. From adding diversity in the workforce to accessing great talents to increasing productivity. Also, the company gains a competitive edge and increases the problem-solving process.

You should hire the right foreign workers to enjoy these and more perks. Hiring the wrong one causes time, money and resources wastage.

To avoid a bad hire, you need to avoid the following mistakes when hiring global workers.

Making Narrow Choices

When hiring, most recruiters make up their minds for a specific country. They believe that candidates from that nation are the best, and they might not take them through a thorough interview.

Also, they might consider hiring only from that particular country and avoid others. This prevents employers from having a diversified and multi-talented workforce.

When hiring employees, avoid selecting or rejecting candidates based on their countries of origin. Keep in mind that every candidate is unique with different abilities and talents. Scan each candidate’s resume and other documents before hiring them.

Since the world is a big place with billions of people, don’t settle for a specific country or continent when hiring.

Select any candidate as long as they meet the job and the company requirements. This ensures you add diversity to the workforce achieving the main goal of hiring foreigners.

Short Hiring Timeline

Hiring foreign workers involves complex and lengthy procedures. Hence, it takes more time than hiring locally.

Many countries take time to process visas and approve immigration, delaying global travel. So with a short timeline, it might be difficult for employees to organize themselves and report to work on time. This can make many candidates avoid applying for jobs in your organization, making you lose great talents.

Short hiring timeline hiring international employees

If you want to hire employees, set aside adequate time for hiring. Otherwise, recruiters might rush the hiring process and not get the best employees for your company.

Also, the candidate might not join your workforce in good time. This could cause delays and inconveniences at work.

If possible, extend the timeline to hire if you realize the recruiters are running out of time. This ensures recruiters don’t experience pressure and make errors that can derail the process.

As an employer, you should give a long hiring timeline regardless of the location your candidates are applying from. This ensures they have enough time to meet all immigration and visa requirements.

Not Understanding Termination Laws in Foreign Countries

Termination laws vary from one country to the other. For instance, in the US, employers have the right to dismiss an employee for any reason without warning.

But in other nations, employers must give a notice of termination to employees and provide reasons for doing so.

Also, in most countries, employees expect to have ongoing employment. Legal termination is only allowable if the employer has got a cause. Some of these causes include; misconduct, insubordination, poor performance and physical incapacity.

Other nations allow laying off employees without a cause but need them to pay termination penalties. Employers should analyze these penalties and decide whether they’d pay them.

So when hiring, employers should talk with a Law SB immigration lawyer to make sure they know the laws of the host country. They ought to understand the grounds that justify employment termination in those nations. You need to click here to know termination procedures followed in the host country.

Don’t forget to check the specific rules to be follow when writing a notice to terminate an employee. This ensures you issue a valid notice and avoid getting into legal issues.

With these laws at your fingertips, rest assured of making the best hiring decision. They won’t restrict you in making decisions favorable to your company.

If you realize that the employee doesn’t perform as expected, you can remove them without restrictions.

Ignoring Legal Procedures

If you decide to hire foreign employees, know it’s your responsibility to provide them with a work visa or permit. Whether hiring remote or non-remote workers, you should be well-versed with the rules that govern the hiring process. Take time to educate your employees about them to ensure compliance.

If global employees don’t know the legal procedures, they might face legal difficulties. This might impact their productivity and performance at work.

Employers and employees should know the legal processes to govern visa applications. Since there are different visas designated for a specific group of people, you should know the right type for your employees.

Also, you should learn about the expiration and extension of the visa in which they’re working.

Being Unclear About Hiring Process

Employers should make the hiring process crystal clear to remove self-doubts among employees. This minimizes confusion among recruiters and employees, expediting the hiring process.

If you provide candidates with all information when hiring, they’ll know what you expect from them. They’ll know whether they qualify to join your team or not. This reduces the number of applicants making the hiring process easier and faster.

Before applying for a job in a foreign company, workers want to know everything. Employers should provide them with detailed and clear information to clear any doubts.

Unclear and incorrect information causes mistrust between employers and employees. Since employees want honest employers, they might avoid companies providing such information.

Before publicizing your job’s advert, go through it and ensure it has all the necessary information. If you realize any missing information, don’t hesitate to do the right edits.

Avoid These Common Mistakes When Hiring International Employees

Hiring global employees provides a diverse and strong workforce for your company.

But, it’s not a cinch as it involves a lengthy employee hiring process. If you’re not careful, you might commit mistakes that can hinder you from reaping all the rewards of hiring foreign workers.

Above are mistakes you can make when hiring international employees and how to avoid them.

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Sameer is a writer, entrepreneur and investor. He is passionate about inspiring entrepreneurs and women in business, telling great startup stories, providing readers with actionable insights on startup fundraising, startup marketing and startup non-obviousnesses and generally ranting on things that he thinks should be ranting about all while hoping to impress upon them to bet on themselves (as entrepreneurs) and bet on others (as investors or potential board members or executives or managers) who are really betting on themselves but need the motivation of someone else’s endorsement to get there.

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