If you own a business, then you may desire to apply for the top credit card. The right one when availed can help develop credit earn rewards and boost spending power. There are lots of cards meant for small businesses with cash back categories. However, not everyone will fit perfectly your needs. Hence, you need to carry out adequate research to avoid common pitfalls.
No annual fees are charged on this card. Also are offered employee cards without extra fees. Cashback of $1,000 is offered within initial six months on spending more than $50,000. On all purchases, you get cashback of 2%.
No annual fee is charged. Also employee cards are offered for free. For 12 months, there is offered 0% introductory on balance transfers and purchases. Cashback of 5% is offered on initial expenditure of $25,000 on internet, phone and cable services as well as office supply stores. Cashback of 2% is offered on initial $25,000 spent annually at restaurants and gas stations. On other purchases, cash offered is 1%. Sign up bonus is $750.
On prepaid hotels and airfare booked via Amex Travel, business operators earn 5 points/dollar. On purchases above $5,000, you get 1.5 points/dollar and 1 point/dollar on other purchases. Sign-up bonus is 120,000 points on spending $15,000 during initial three months. There is an annual charge of $595.
On spending for initial three months for $15,000, you earn 10,000 points as sign-up bonus. On initial $150,000 spent on shipping, travel, etc., you earn 3 points/dollar. On others, you earn 1 point/dollar. Annual fee charged is $95.
Sign up bonus is offered on spending $2,000 where you earn 130,000 ‘Hilton Honors’ points. This is within first three months on registering. There is an annual charge of $95. 12 points is offered per dollar at resorts and hotels within Hilton portfolio.
Signup bonus offered on this small business card is 70,000 points on spending $5,000 during initial three months of registration. Five points is earned per dollar on spending at gas stations and restaurants. Annual fee is $150.
On balance transfers and purchases for initial 12 months, business operators enjoy 0% APR. Then APR is 11.99 to 19.99 percent. No annual charge is taken. But balance transfer fee is applicable of 3%.
No annual fees charged. It is meant for those with fair to average credit scores like 580 or higher. Variable APR of 24.74% is charged. On all purchases, you enjoy 1% cash back.
During initial 12 months, introductory offer is 0% APR. Earn 15,000 as membership reward points on spending $3,000 during initial three months on all eligible purchases. Variable rate applies between 14.74 and 20.74 percent.
Checking out the above Credit Cards and researching them properly will allow you to select the most suited one for your business. The right one will ensure you can use it to your benefit.
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