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HomeResource7 User Experience Ways To Turbocharge Your Website

7 User Experience Ways To Turbocharge Your Website

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The rush to develop an e-commerce website also implies considering user-friendly features. Merely pasting nice photos on your website and having one payment gateway will bring nothing. Understand your customer’s mindset. Business growth online focuses on improving user experience, boosting conversions, and website speed. Have a look over the user experience ways to turbocharge your website.

7 User Experience Ways to turbocharge your Website 

1. Clear away clutter

Designing your website means avoiding distraction and confusion. It is your landing page; keep it concise, clear, and user-friendly. Include pictures and text-taking towards conversion. If they are not leading to conversion, it will affect business growth. It is clutter, and the best is to clear them away.

2. Narrow the Search with filters

Most website users filter the products by color, cost, size, etc. It becomes simple for buyers with intuitive filters. It means they will not waste time scaling through products or pages that do not match their desires. Ensure to have a flexible e-commerce website that facilitates turbo charge.

3. A Fast Host

A website with slow speed is a great concern. Effectiveness is the key to everything. A good web host allows the websites to operate smoothly. The huge difference is in the speed it works, the configuration and quality determine the speed of the hardware. The web host must perform market research and ensure a fast host for their customers.

4. Facilitate GZip Compression

Turbocharge your website to facilitate gzip compression

Compressing into a zip file a series of files on a computer was the system before. The good news is it is possible with websites as well. You may compress the using GZIP technology the website and enjoy massive site size reduction. Facilitate your website visitors with a faster experience.

5. Optimize Images to Boost Performance

Boost your website speed by optimizing images. Being one of the social enterprises ensures good speed. If the images are large, use browsers to download the entire image, before the site gets fully loaded. It will lead to a slower website.

Optimize images and ensure your website is faster. Do some market research and find plugins to eliminate extra details from the images. Thus, the file size becomes smaller, even without reducing the quality of your images.

Optimize an image or make sure only images load. As a visitor or user scrolls the image section, it offers instant improvement for the users in the site speed.

6. Chop down CSS, HTML, and JavaScript

CSS, HTML, and JavaScript become elaborate with the codes as they feature a lot of codes, lines, and comments, unnecessary to function. It adds time to process the code and to load, thus the site loading becomes slower. It is best to chop down the code and eliminating extra strips and comments, codes, and whitespaces ensures a speedy site.

7. Payment Pathway

The payment pathway is crucial for customers, and it is one of the vital sectors. Having several options for payment, credit cards, PayPal, gift vouchers or debit cards is helpful. E-commerce websites prefer PayPal as the secure pathway for payment. However many customers do not have PayPal and are not ready to create one.

It is mandatory to show your customers that you have a secure payment pathway. It is one of the reasons that online shoppers abandon their carts. When they find the payment path or gateway to be unreliable, they do not proceed with shopping.

Installing an SSL certificate provides encryption and a secure connection of payment information. It is a way to turbocharge and help users to feel confident in purchasing through you.

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