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6 Ways To Make Sure Your Content Reaches The Explore Tab On Instagram

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Instagram is most certainly at the top of your list when you’re an Instagram marketer. With so many companies on the site, each submitting their own unique content, you must consider how to optimize your reach.

That’s when the Instagram Explore page comes in handy. Getting on the Explore page is a sure-fire approach to significantly increasing the exposure of your posts, resulting in a viral impact that provides you with a large amount of interaction in a short period of time. 

Unfortunately, there is no surefire way to get your name on this page. However, with little effort, you will be able to at least boost the likelihood of your message being on the page.

What Exactly Is Instagram’s Explore Page?

What exactly is instagram’s explore page instagram

The Explore tab on Instagram is how the site organizes content for its visitors. Each user’s Explore page will display varied information based on the posts they like and the people they follow. Simply, it’s a compilation of Instagram posts that Instagram believes you’ll like.

Instagram says that the Explore page is visited by more than 50 percent of its users. And there are a lot of them. Instagram has over a billion active users, implying that 500 million individuals are actively pursuing the Explore tab.

The Benefits of Being on the Explore Page

It should be evident by now that appearing on the Explore page has one obvious benefit – more people will view your material. This, in turn, can give you a plethora of other benefits:

  •  More interaction on the post that was featured on the Explore tab, since more people are now able to access your material.
  • Increased followers, since people who see your profile via the Explore option, may elect to follow you if they like what they see.
  • Because of these new followers, there will be more participation in all future postings.
  • More conversions with effective CTAs.

The addition of 50 free Instagram likes on your posts can definitely help you reach the Explore tab on Instagram. 

Top 6 Tips for Getting Your Content Into the Instagram Explore Tab

1. When Folks Are Active, Post About It

One of the finest Instagram recommendations you’ll ever hear is to post when your followers are most active. This is excellent advice because Instagram’s algorithm promotes timeliness as one of the variables determining whether or not a post gets noticed.

This implies that if your post is completely new, it will appear in the feeds of your followers. And if you can plan your posts to coincide with when your followers are most active, you’re more likely to generate better interaction, which is critical for getting your posts onto the Explore page.

And, happily, determining when your followers are most active isn’t difficult. If you have an Instagram Business account, you can go to the Insights page and look at the Audience area to see when your followers will be most active.

2. Make Use of the IGTV Format as Well as Shoppable Content

Igtv format explore page: instagram

It’s a well-known truth that videos perform the best across all social media platforms. As a result, it’s no surprise that Instagram is heavily promoting its IGTV format. They’ve even opened an IGTV academy in London to assist content makers in making the most of the feature.

Shoppable content, like IGTV, is pinned to the top of the Explore page. This is especially beneficial if you are a B2C company. However, there is a lot of competition from other businesses in these types of articles, so you’ll have to make sure you produce a fantastic post and publish it at the perfect time to get maximum interaction.

3. Determine the Types of Content That Your Target Audience Enjoys

It is not enough to just post when your audience is online to produce a successful post. You must also ensure that you are publishing information that is both entertaining and valuable. And that is when your post will receive the most engagement, boosting the probability that it will be highlighted on Instagram’s Explore page.

Keep a careful eye on the kind of postings that are generating the greatest interaction for you. Instagram’s own analytics tool also makes this a lot easier. In Insights, you may sort the best performing posts/stories based on various metrics like engagement, reach, impressions, and so on. Is there a trend here? Great! You can now use this information to create better posts for your brand.

4. Learn From Existing Postings on the Explore Page

Examine the posts that are already on your Explore page for a tip that might truly help you. If you follow Instagram accounts or interact with posts that are related to your business, your Explore page will provide you with a wealth of information about what sort of material the Instagram algorithm is recognizing, as well as what kind of content your prospective audience would want to see.

If you see a post on the Explore tab that has nothing to do with your business, it probably has a lot of engagement.

Remember that there is something to be learned from every post that appears on the Explore page. Examine them carefully, then consider how you may incorporate some of their characteristics into your own writings.

5. Make Use of Location Tags and Hashtags

Location tags and hashtags instagram’s explore page: instagram

On Instagram, location tags and hashtags are highly strong tools. They’re a terrific approach to guarantee that your posts are discovered by more people on the channel, which means you’ll be able to contact individuals who aren’t in your network right away (yet).

And, if you do use them, make sure you only use tags that are related to the content to prevent appearing spammy. Using tags may greatly increase the interaction on your articles, increasing your chances of getting listed on the Explore page.

6. Collaborate With Influencers

Collaborate with influencers instagram’s explore page: instagram

Finally, your company may want to investigate partnering with industry influencers or influencers in your brand’s specific specialty. This is an excellent approach to increase your reach and drive interaction from an audience that your influencer has already built. This extra involvement might assist ensure that your content is highlighted on the Explore page.

Cross-promote the posts on your and the influencer’s pages, then repurpose the influencer’s content for subsequent articles.


Following the above-mentioned tips will definitely help in increasing your reach on Instagram. So, get going now!

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