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HomeMarketing6 Types Of Paid Marketing Strategies You Should Be Using

6 Types Of Paid Marketing Strategies You Should Be Using

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Online businesses now face stiff competition in almost every industry. They have to think out of the box to be ahead of their competitors. Social media platforms are gaining immense popularity these days. YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, etc. are among the most availed platforms by people of all ages. Those ads might not be properly targeted or relevant to your search history or preferences. They may rather act as roadblocks to your online activities. In this guide, we’ll explore six essential types of paid marketing strategies that every business should consider incorporating into their marketing arsenal.

What is desired?

You need to come up with properly targeted ads. The right one can help serve the right prospects, thus offering quality leads as well as conversions. When paid ads are concerned, there are several types that you should find out about. The right ones when implemented can help enhance your business prospects.

Six Effective Paid Marketing Strategies

1. Social media ads:

Thousands of people can be found to be active on different social media platforms at a time from all over the world. Social media ads are a rather outbound marketing strategy having the ‘sponsored’ word mentioned. Study and research your target audience. Identify the platforms they visit. Based on this study, choose the platform to promote your ads.

2. Search advertising:

Search advertising paid marketing strategies

You can come across an ‘Ad’ tag on the top/bottom results of the SERPs (Search Engine Results Page). These are PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Ad techniques referred to as search ads. They get triggered and then displayed to potential visitors using a specific keyword based on their needs. Such internet advertising strategies can be termed the usual ad types noticed in search results. No visual videos or images can be noticed with these ads as they are mostly text types.

3. Display Ads:

When internet advertising is concerned, Google perhaps leads the pack. We have a mammoth partner website network with ad placement slots. Ads are placed on them with the idea that these sites have content or business that is quite similar to the ad company. Otherwise, it might be part of those network sites and have the intention to target audiences interested in the offered products/services. Rather than plan text-only ads, this type offers text with creative visual images.

4. Google Shopping Ads:

These are advertisements that offer a virtual showroom shopping experience. You can take a sneak peek of all the offered products and price cards similar to that of a physical showroom. Google Shopping Ads is considered to be another PPC Ad form. It allows potential visitors to know the product image and price before visiting the advertiser’s site. Such ads can be found at the SERP’s top part just above the main search results. It can be termed to be a carousel type providing that,”window shopping” feel and look.

5. Remarketing ads:

It occurs as you visit any site or social media platform, and browse through the offered products only to bounce off later. Perhaps, you may not be interested now or not develop that kind of trust in that brand. No company would like to lose potential leads. It is possible to re-engage as well as attract such bounced-off visitors to the site. Simply shoot remarketing ads, offer time period limited, but lucrative offers.

6. Mobile-only:

People are found to spend most of their time browsing the web and checking Banner Ads. Hence, optimizing mobile-only ads will help your business to enhance its visibility. It also derives ROAS (Returns on Ads Spent). Execute Instagram Mobile ads, Facebook Mobile ads, Snapchat Mobile ads, etc.

Digital platforms have enabled organizations belonging to almost every industry to seek paid marketing strategies to promote their business. You just need to have a better understanding of the type of platform that will better suit your business. Also, identify the types of digital marketing and paid ad strategies that will work.



6 types of paid marketing strategies you should be using infographics

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