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HomeMarketing3 Steps To Increase Your Business Conversions Using a Local SEO Audit!

3 Steps To Increase Your Business Conversions Using a Local SEO Audit!

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One crucial part of running a business is checking your web page’s analytics and performance compared to others. How are you ranking on Google? If you find your webpage does not rank in the top 5 – or even on the top page of search results – you need serious help to boost clicks, increase engagement, and improve your online reputation. Local SEO audit is a crucial tool that tells you how well your website is doing in search engine rankings and people typing in keyword searches on Google.

By taking notice of your webpage’s standing and analyzing your number of leads, marketing strategies, and organic traffic rates, you can narrow down the problem to a few general causes. For your business to be successful, you need to find the specific cause of your business failure in terms of online presence and conversions.

3 Benefits of using a local SEO audit!

Before starting to change your website and marketing strategy without a clear plan, you should undergo an SEO audit to see where you are failing and why. An SEO audit is a great business tool that all companies should utilize to improve their online web rankings and analyze their performance.

This tool lets you evaluate the search engine ‘friendliness’ of your website. Does your website use buzzwords or keywords that people type into Google? If not, you need to improve your SEO content to ensure your website comes up on the top page of Google searches!

An SEO audit is a crucial tool that tells you how well your website is doing in search engine rankings and for people typing in keyword searches on Google, reach out to Nush Marketing Solutions to learn more about it.

Improve your site performance

One of the main benefits of using a local SEO audit is improving your site’s performance, and flagging any issues like glitches, unsightly content, poor layouts, and security concerns. Although some of these issues can be fixed immediately, others take a little longer to remedy – but the wait will be well worth it.

Past SEO problems

Your website may be failing in the SOE rankings due to link-building practices that can drop your website to the bottom of the search engine rankings. Since this was a widespread practice a few years ago, many websites suffer from the repercussions. However, performing a local SEO audit can help you remove these detrimental links to your page.

Determine the best keywords

Determine local seo audit for best keywords

What keywords is your website ranking for? You may think that your trucking company is ranking for ‘transportation,’ when in reality, it is ranking in the top due to the prevalence of ‘trucking’ on your website. Utilizing keywords on your webpage is the main tactic to improve SEO rankings and bring your website higher on the never-ending Google list.


Performing a local SEO audit is crucial to running a successful business. Without this practice, your company web page may fail from low rankings, harmful link practices, and a lack of keywords that drive traffic to your page. To increase web traffic and click-through conversions, run a local SEO audit to troubleshoot, analyze, and fix your current marketing strategy to earn more customers and drive sales!

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